Working together for a green future!

Romania, Galați

University "Dunărea de Jos" - Galați
University Dunarea de Jos of Galati (UDJG) is a higher education institution, the most important in the South-Eastern Region of Romania. UDJG offers study programs from bachelor to PhD in engineering, economy and social sciences through fourteen faculties and provides a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs for over 13,000 enrolled students.
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), as a component of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, will be partner and main Romanian contributor to the project.
CSIT Department offers bachelor, master and PhD degrees in IT and computing. In addition, teachers and researchers in the CSIT Department collaborate with local and national companies in order to create new digital products and services.
They also provide academic advising or carry out teaching activities in local training centers, all in order to foster the education for digital transformation and sustainability at local and regional level.
Close collaboration with regional and national companies and with other actors or stakeholders of socio-economic integration characterizes the professional profile of the CSIT Department at the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati.

Poland, Radom

Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies
The Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies is a public research organisation based in the biggest and a quickly developing region of Poland – Mazovia.
The Institute’s staff of nearly 200 people is made up of highly qualified specialists. The employees of the Institute frequently hold important positions in the committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences, scientific associations and journals, EU expert panels, and scientific councils of numerous research organisations. However, the scientific activity of the Institute also strongly concerns the issues of lifelong learning and continuing education, which are the foundations of the global knowledge-based economies, and therefore are an extremely important field of Institute’s activity.
An important aspect of activity conducted in this field revolves around the research on entrepreneurship and intellectual capital development through knowledge exchange and competence building, innovation management and marketing and forecasting of future research directions.

Greece, Larissa

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek non-profit organization committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit. Established in 2005 in Larissa, Greece, iED is a certified Center of Excellence in European entrepreneurship and a fast-growing Digital Innovation Hub, registered as member of the European Commission’s catalogue of DIHs, that recognizes entrepreneurship as a crucial factor for the future of sustainable development and cohesion of societies. It conducts research and provides innovative solutions that facilitate the growth of entrepreneurship and promote employment.
The main aim of iED is to produce and transfer know-how, boost entrepreneurial culture & enhance the effectiveness and viability of all types of enterprises.

Italy, Mondavio

TRAINING 2000 psc
TRAINING 2000 is a VET centre certified in the Marche Region for regional training, operating in vocational education activities and adult education courses, consulting and training in companies, training of trainers and teachers in schools.
Training 2000 organizes training courses in the areas of ICT, social integration, entrepreneurship, ICT for migrants, integration of disadvantaged groups for employment, eco-tourism, sustainable environment, new methodologies in teaching and learning (distance learning), community development and healthy life style (mental well-being, active ageing and food habits).
Training 2000 analyses the training needs in target groups and local communities, develops new occupational profiles and training curricula; executes vocational training courses and apprenticeship programmes apt to requalification and re-skilling of youths and adults in the major economic sectors of the region.

Portugal, Lisboa

Empoderar – Desenvolvimento Organizacional, Social, Profissional e Pessoal, Lda
Empoderar is an Adult training and consulting company recently funded that uses psychological science to promote well-being and effectiveness in society, organizations and individuals.
Although the company is a newcomer, Empoderar team has experience in previous European Union funded projects, as coordinators and as partners, successfully creating synergies between Psychology and knowledge from other areas like, Education, Management, Engineering, Sociology, Employability, and Environment.

Malta, Msida

It is the highest teaching institution of the State by which it is mainly financed. Conscious of its public role, the University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the national, regional and international needs.
The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking and Innovation was set up in collaboration with Professor Edward de Bono in 1992. Over the years, the Institute expanded and diversified, it now offers a wide range of courses and events to University students and to the general public in: creativity (idea generation), innovation management, business model innovation, entrepreneurship, foresight. The Institute offered its well-established Master in Creativity and Innovation, a part-time Diploma in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and a PhD research degree.

Austria, Burgenland

Blickpunkt Identität
Blickpunkt is a non-governmental organization with the main sector in developing methods and tools for integrating disadvantaged persons into the work life. Based
upon the principles of self-directed learning experience which formed the didactic basis for the “LOT-Haus” in the Austrian EQUAL partnership “An der offenen Grenze” (2002 – 2004), the non profit association has launched various successful courses for long-term unemployed people that have been implemented in Lower Austria.

Switzerland, Manno

SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts is one of the nine professional universities recognized by the Swiss Confederation. It includes four fields of activity: First-level University Degree Courses, Continuing Education, Research and Services.
The Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care (DEASS), to which the researchers affiliated to the project belong, integrates three sectors (i.e. business economics, social and health care). This allows the Department to tackle the complex problems of nowadays society more effectively, thanks to a wide range of competencies.

Co-funded by
the European Union
KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education
2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000085596 – Romania
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.